The Heartbeat of a School
In two days, we kick off School Year 2017. This year, our district is focusing on school culture for our back to school professional development. I am especially looking forward to this since I've immersed myself in several books this summer that preach the importance of a vibrant school culture. So I started to think about my own school's culture and climate and immediately thought of it as the "heartbeat of a school". It is truly what keeps your school alive and healthy. I realized that, like our own hearts, you must take certain steps to keep it healthy. I wondered if we were doing enough? So who shapes school culture? Everyone!! From the principal to the custodians to the students, we all play a part. Are we working as a team to achieve the same goals? Do we even all know the goals? "Culture First, Culture Next, Culture Always" is my takeaway from the book Lead Like a Pirate by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf. These two have written the ma...