The Heartbeat of a School

In two days, we kick off School Year 2017. This year, our district is focusing on school culture for our back to school professional development. I am especially looking forward to this since I've immersed myself in several books this summer that preach the importance of a vibrant school culture.  So I started to think about my own school's culture and climate and immediately thought of it as the "heartbeat of a school". It is truly what keeps your school alive and healthy.  I realized that, like our own hearts, you must take certain steps to keep it healthy. I wondered if we were doing enough?
So who shapes school culture?  Everyone!! From the principal to the custodians to the students, we all play a part. Are we working as a team to achieve the same goals? Do we even all know the goals?

"Culture First, Culture Next, Culture Always" is my takeaway from the book Lead Like a Pirate by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf. These two have written the manual on building school culture! I highly recommend this book for any educator, not just those in a leadership position.  I plan on digesting this book slowly throughout the year because there is so much wisdom in one place! I believe we are all school leaders and this book shows us how to strengthen a school's heartbeat.

One way I think we can impact our school culture is by "marketing our school". This is the first time I've ever thought of marketing a school, but it makes sense. Our school has a brand and we need to get it out there! Our teachers and students do amazing things every day in the classroom and it's time to let everybody know it! By sharing our story with others, we all impact the collective culture of education! Getting everyone connected and sharing will build the support system needed to maintain a healthy school culture. No more islands!

Another way I believe we can impact school culture is through shared experiences.  I'm so excited that our school is participating in a school-wide book study of Teach Like A Pirate and I've shared a little bit of the plan for kicking off our year! I see this as one of those actions that will have a huge impact on school culture. There are opportunities to share our passions (get to know each other better), boost our creativity (hint.. we aren't born creative), craft engaging lessons (with hook challenges), and tap into our greatness as educators! The back to school goodies are sure to be a crowd pleaser.  It's going to be a fun year of learning and our students will benefit the most!

Yo Ho Ho! I found some back to school treasure!
As an instructional coach in an elementary school, I assume many responsibilities throughout the day. The most important one is to support teachers with authentic professional development, coaching, resource development and collaboration. I see myself more as a facilitator of continuous learning. Teachers are our greatest resource and I want to honor that when planning my support. I wear my learner hat as much as I wear my coach hat.

One idea that I want to try this year is PD minis. It's the type of peer coaching and support that I believe will boost our school culture throughout the year.  Here's the idea... Think Chick-fil-A chicken minis, Mmmmm! I love those little delightful bite size treats. Well, PD minis would be a bite size professional development opportunity hosted by any teacher who wished to offer a thirty minute tutorial after school (a kind of grab and go PD). I found that our teachers are experts in many different areas. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could volunteer an afternoon to share our expertise with our peers? What a way to share our passions with others and build that shared vision! I want to throw out this idea at our Back to School meeting and see if anybody bites... ha ha! I'd love to offer a PD mini on getting connected with others on Twitter (something I just started this summer) and making Book Snaps (something else I learned from being connected on Twitter)! This has been a game changer for me and I can't wait to share my testimony!

Building and maintaining a healthy school culture requires a constant, deliberate effort by all stakeholders in a school. Try new things, be bold and daring! Keep checking the heartbeat of your school and if it starts to sound a little weak, take action! As I was inspired to say all summer...Kids Deserve It!
Now lets deliver!!
Two days...
I got the t-shirt!


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